Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Gender inequality in China should be irradicated because

       a. An example, China reinforces gender inequality is
in fact that a China is overpopulated and  theirs so much financial to be deal with, that the government created laws specific for women. That created men to be more dominant from workplaces to household. Women (feminist) to call for more attention to the society and government.it  It reinforces by creating men more dominant.
       b. One example China reinforces gender inequality is the fact they have the One Child Policy, the men in China  believe it is better for the community to have less children. This basically shows women that they are not even allowed to produce as many children as they want. It reinforces the fact that women are not free to bare children, when that is a very important role for almost all women.
       c. Another example of gender inequality is the fact that women loose their jobs for horrible reasons. These reasons are simply because if a women gets married or pregnant during her employment period she will automatically be fired. This is not fair, the men probably think this is fair because they do not think women can work and be mothers or house wife at the same time. This is sexist and unequal.
       d.Also, women will also come second to man because in china it is a more man dominate country and they try not to allow women to have power over certain situations like Jobs, wealth. This make more women second guess rather they should even try to compete with man if they will also come second or wont get the same amount of respect or power that the man has. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

P2E2 Photos representing the China work Place

This photo represents how chinese women have not been able to stay in the workforce. The reasons are because one in 25 of those women surveyed were forced to sign labor contracts containing clauses forbidding them to get married or pregnant in a set period of time. Then women who would get married they would lose their job Leading to 11.2 percent lost jobs for having a baby.
Women also have a higher criteria then man when it comes to getting hired. 

For some women who or fortunate to get jobs they are the low paying job.

Gender Inequality in The Media

In China today there has been improvement in Gender Inequality as shown in this video  however women still have to work twice as hard when they are working.


There is still Gender Inequality in many Country s in this CNN interview they discuss how their is still Gender Inequality and it is going to take many years in order to have Gender Equality.

Work Cited

 "Global Gender Gap 2011 Report Released, Shows US Improves on Gender Equality." â€“ American Morning. Web. 04 Mar. 2012. <http://am.blogs.cnn.com/2011/11/01/global-gender-gap-2011-report-released-shows-us-improves-on-gender-equality/>.

AshBtahoe. "Womens Rights in China - Help Rural Women Ratify CEDAW." YouTube. YouTube, 13 July 2010. Web. 04 Mar. 2012.

China has been experienced gender inequality, and has developed a program in Asia- Pacific, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) sponsored 2010 Asia- Pacific Human Development Report." women's Day is great platform to highlight gender equality as a powerful investment, " Khalid Malik(UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in China. A program to support women equality.

United Nations in China Link:

              Working women are still struggling, and as for men, are still getting better paid.

Work Cited
         "Still Struggling." economist.com. The Economist Online. 2011. Web. 25 Nov. 2011.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Professional Opinion against gender inequality in the region

E. Opinion against Gender inequality.

         Regarding the Opinion against gender inequality in Shanghai, there is an organization that has formed to help against the cruel ways that the government has forced upon the women in Shanghai. This organization is Called Shanghai Women's Federation. The organization has put together several plans that they implemented for equal gender rights. They are starting with the five-year plan to get started. This plan will help them find the information regarding how to get equal rights and also how to maintain it through the government. For example the article "General Goals for shanghai women's work in the next 5 years" states, "so as to fulfill women's equal chances of participation in economy, politics, culture and society; to better implement series of laws i.e. The Law on Protecting Women's Right and Interests in People's Republic of China" (Shanghai Women's Federation). This information provided shows how the organization is pushing forward to gain women rights and make sure more women are involved in the work field.

F.       Regarding the opinion on defending gender inequality in Shanghai, are not known in the articles. Although, some believes, " "Men only" is a common" prerequisite" to be found at job fairs, for example. Further, women are more likely to be laid off than men: women tend to earn less than men get even for the same job". This information shows one of the reason why companies or any job believes that they have more excuses from birth or child care. Although, men does not gets involved with it, but have their wife/ women to stay home.

                                                                 Work Cited 
         " Gender Inequality: From Politics to Family Life".Gender 'In- Equality'?. china.org. Web. 12 Sept. 2005.
            "Shanghai Women's Federation." Shanghai Women's Federation. Shanghai Women's Federation. Web. 29 Feb.


C. In China, the idea of gender differences are men are more dominant than women in the working field.Gender discrimination has taken preference to men than women whom were disadvantage of all rights and were present mainly to serve men. Gender discrimination in China had been existed for many years on women. Corresponding to September 2009 All-China Women’s Federation survey, it was mention that over 90 percent of the female college students interviewed felt like they had experienced gender discrimination in their profession searches. The women are receiving the unfair treatment in workplace especially the incomes. Even comparing colleges graduate with the same education backgrounds found that men's earning could be as high as 800 yuan ( US $116) more than women in one of the 2009 survey conducted by a private company. Having a same education would not matter to the companies but has more respect toward the men. Another survey was cited in February 2010, Women’s watch China report, was mention about 15 percent of the companies surveyed pay higher wages to male gross an average of 361 yuan(US 53 dollars) per months more than females. Despite the way each viewpoint approaches the problems of gender discrimination, the fact that they know that there dealing with gender inequality among men dominating over women. 

D.       Our group believes that gender inequality is an issue especially in China, it is a serious dilemma in the workplace. Men and women become aware of different roles that takes responsibilities from their characteristics in most setting, for example women do lots of household chores while men maintain in their job. Gender discrimination is present in the workplace worldwide, but China goes beyond that but a violation of human rights.Women in China is consistently been paid less and for men are often get better paid and respect. Especially, women having the same education as men would not matter to the companies.A law was passed an anti-discrimination in 1995, Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO), are based on discrimination on basis of sex, pregnancy, and sexual harassment are unlawful. It was provides Equal Opportunities Commission to work towards the elimination of harassment discrimination to promote equal opportunity. The law passed but the chinese workplace are not following it.  It is a big problem that it is not promoted correctly as equal opportunity for women. It is not correct to treat women differently toward men because their not dominant enough, or they are only responsible for their children, not on job. Our group believes that women should be treated equal.

 Work Cited

         "Congressional-Executive Commission on China." cecc.gov. Annual Report 2009, 2009. Web. 10 Oct. 2009.

       “Congressional-Executive Commission on China.” frwebgate.access.gpo.gov. 10 Annual Report.2010. Web. 10 October 2010.

       "Sex Discrimination Ordinance and I." eoc.org. Equal Opportunities Commission.Web.

Identifing Region & Identifing Gender Inequality in China

A. In China today there as been some changes in women rights such as granting them the right to divorce and to work on an equal footing with men, and offering greater educational opportunities than those found in most other developing countries. That is not the case for poor women in China. The poor women in China put themselves in desperate situations for money for example  "Offering sex for money have become ubiquitous, and some estimates put the number of prostitutes in China at 4 million" (Hewtt). Women in China get empolyment  about 330 million women have a job. There is a low percentage of women working in the article "Working women in China second class workers [Note 1]" it states that   "46.7 percent of the total working population of women in the country" Today men are still getting paid more than women. In china they have The One Child Policy is when each family in China can only have one child. If the parents want to have more than one child Rosenberg states that  they are "fined, pressures to abort a pregnancy, and even forced sterilization accompanied second or subsequent pregnancies" women do not have the right to have as many child as they like.

B. Their is gender inequality when it comes to women in China selling their bodies. China mostly has poor women as prostitutes instead of men, they do not have a respectable job for women if they are poor. In China more men are working than women. Women should work, but in many state enterprises they did cleaning or manual labor." These practices continue today and are reflected in China's political sector: despite a few success stories, women make up around 20 percent of the Communist Party's 70 million members and hold only 13 of 204 seats on the Central Committee, the party's top body"(Hewitt 2). Women still get the common jobs like cleaning which is part of the gender inequality. Having the One Child Policy is another form of gender inequality because in China they believe that it is better to have one child because it keeps China from getting over poplated. Rosenberg states that"the result of such Draconian family planning has resulted in the disparate ratio of 114 males for every 100 females among babies from birth through children four years of age. Normally, 105 males are naturally born for every 100 females (1). Thus causing gender in inequality in China.

Work cited
Hewitt, Duncan. "They're Not Going to Take It." The Daily Beast. Newsweek/Daily Beast, 31 July 2009. Web. 28 Feb. 2012. http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2009/07/31/they-re-not-going-to-take-it.html.

Rosenberg, Matt. "China's One Child Policy." About.com Geography. 26 Jan. 2012. Web. 28 Feb. 2012. <http://geography.about.com/od/populationgeography/a/onechild.htm>.

"Working Women in China – Second Class Workers [Note 1] | CLB." Working Women in China – Second Class Workers [Note 1]. Web. 28 Feb. 2012. <http://www.clb.org.hk/en/node/3442>.